Please kindly note that the Standard Association are going to update  standard numbers for  elevator, escalator and motor gearless  in close future so if they updated standard numbers they will ask all supplier to provide test reports as following EN standard numbers :

·          Standard Number ISIRI 6303-1 which is Elevator Standard which issued based on EN81-20:2014/ EN81-50:2014.

·          Standard Number ISIRI 13836-1 which is Escalator Standard which issued based on EN115-1:2017.

·          Standard Number ISIRI 3772-1 which is Motor gearless Standard which issued based on IEC 60034-1:2017.

We kindly suggest you to update your test reports based on these standard numbers for your future inspection cases.

So till now they can accept test reports which are equal to these EN standard numbers.

 Please kindly find out ISO/IEC 17025 for all test reports which issued from third parties laboratory , or even factory test report need calibration Certificate for the factory’s lab facilities .

Please pay attention: If ISO 17025 Laboratory can not test goods based on Escalator EN 115-1:2017, please require to issue test reports base on last version. And then please issue EN 115-1:2017 Test report by factory lab.